About Us

about us my family photo

Let me introduce myself and my beautiful boys!  I’m Donna - the founder of TeachnGear and retired Teacher.

First and foremost we are here to help!  If we can help or if you would like a specific product or design - please let us know - we are happy to do the best we can for you!

From my former K-3 teaching days - I understand that teaching is part fun and part hard work (ok mostly hard work but it’s good to have a bit of fun thrown in when we can).

Teach n Gear was born from that sense of teaching fun.  Our goal is to lighten teachers load with ‘gear’ that brings a smile to your and your students' faces and even turn you into a ‘cool teacher’ !!

From humorous sayings - to personalised or custom teaching gear - we hope to provide teacher related products that make you happy!

Please reach out if you would like something specific.

We appreciate teachers so much and would like to thank you for all your hard work and genuine care that you bring to each and every student! 

We hope you enjoy our Teach n Gear’ and it helps you to truly shine as that ‘cool teacher’😉

We hope you enjoy our teaching gear as much as we enjoy designing them…

Warm wishes

